24 de gen. 2012

L'Infant de Clazzi

El líder de Clazziquai Project (DJ Clazzi, Alex, Horan), ha deixat de banda el projecte conjunt per centrar-se en un àlbum en solitari que porta per títol Infant.

Leader of Clazziquai Project (DJ Clazzi, Alex, Horan), left the project for a while to focus on its own album titles Infant.

És el seu primer disc que edita per separat del projecte, però així i tot compta amb una llarga llista de col·laboracions vocals. Christina Chu (de la formació original dels Clazziquai), Lee Seung Yeol, Im Seol Yong de 2AM...i altres membres de grups com W&Whale, Urban Zakapa.

This is the first album that he releases without the Project, but still it has a lot of collaborations and vocal features such as Christina Chu (original Clazziquai), Lee Seung Yeol, Im Seol Yong from 2AM...and other artists from other bands like W&Whale, or Urban Zakapa.

El so del disc és 100% Clazzi. Bases electròniques, house, una mica de disco, funky, electro, i molts sintetitzadors. I la part vocal és molt correcte. Envoltat d'artistes més aviat mainstream del K-Pop coreà, com Kota i Jubi de SunnyHill, i els ja mencionats abans, és possible que atraigui el públic pop a l'escena electrònica que tan li deu últimament a tots els èxits K-Pop que sonen al país.

The album sounds so Clazzi. Electronic base, house, some disco, funk, electro and loads of synths. Vocals are also good. This time Clazzi got surrounded by more mainstream K-Pop singers from idol bands, like Kota and Jubi from SunnyHill, and the ones mentioned before. It's might be helpful to atract the mainstream audience to electro or club scene, that it has been so close to recent K-Pop hits along the country.

Clazzi - Infant
01. Bad Girl (With Whale Of W&Whale)
02. Love&Hate (With 이승열 / Rap MYK)
03. Where`s Dance (With 진실 Of Mad Soul Child)
04. 40 Nights (With 현송&수륜 Of THE KOXX)
05. Star Child (With Christina / Rap MYK)
06. 우리 변한거잖아 (With 임슬옹 Of 2AM)
07. Can Only Feel (With 김완선)
08. Loving You (With 장우혁, 현아 Of Urban Zakapa)
09. Sexy Doll (With 코타&주비 Of SunnyHill / Rap MYK)
10. Crazy For Love (With Christina)
11. 우리 변한거잖아 (Remix Ver.) (Bonus Track)

Els singles ja editats: Love&Hate, How We Feel, i Sexydoll.

There already 3 singles: Love&Hate, How We Feel, i Sexydoll.

Feu un cop d'ull als videos, però les millors cançons (per mi) vénen després, curiosament totes dues amb la col·laboració de Christina Chu: Starchild (la qual conté un sample de Camouflage - Want You Back) i Crazy For Love (amb una genial intro, molt Clazzi!).

Check out the videos, but for me, the bests songs come later, both of them featuring Christina: Starchils (which contains some sample from Camouflage - Want You Back) and Crazy For Love (with a great intro, reall Clazzi sound!)

Clazzi - Star Child (with Chrstina)

Clazzi - Crazy For Love (with Chrsitina)

I per si no fos poc, la gent de Eat Your Kimchi (lloc molt recomanable sobre l'escena pop coreana) van entrevistar a Clazzi.

And if it's not enough for you, the guy from Eat Your Kimchi interviewed Clazzi, take a look!

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