4 d’abr. 2010

Pillow Fight Day a Seoul

Ahir 3 d'abril era el dia mundial de la guerra de coixins. També conegut com el Pillow Fight Day. Fa uns mesos vaig veure pel Facebook que alguns amics s'havien unit a la iniciativa a Barcelona. I amb ganes de viure i veure una experència igual, vaig visitar la web oficial per veure si hi havia alguna guerra de coixins a Seül. Com que no n'ho havia, vaig crear un esdeveniment al Facebook que al principi no tenia gaire gent apiuntada, però just le dia abans la xifra arribava a més de 700 assistents, i molts comentaris d'expectació i ganes de fer l'esperada guerra de coixins.
Finalment, ahir a la plaça de l'Ajuntament, o City Hall, es van reunir uns pocs centenars de persones. De ben segur menys de 700, i hi havia més gent mirant que participant. La majoria estrangers, coreans ben pocs. Suposo que aquesta mena de coses, per diferència cultural, les troben ridícules o massa estúpides. El cas és que allà em vaig trobar jo, repartint llenya amb el meu coixí, i rebent també. Ficar-se enmig de la baralla era una pujada d'adrenalina i riure continu. També cansat, de manera que m'anava tornant amb amics deixant-nos el coixí i re-entrant quan ja havíem descansat.
Deixo algunes fotos i vídeos de l'esdeveniment. Podeu trobar més fotos i vídeos al meu Flickr i al meu Youtube.

Yesterday, April 3rd was the World Pillow Fight Day. A few months ago, i saw this event on Facebook happening on my hometown, Barcelona. And I wanted to see it and live it here in Seoul. I checked if in the official website had any place or time for the event here, but there wasn't any. So, I created the event, and showed it on Facebook. At the begginning, not many people joined, but later, the day before, more than 700 people were attending. So, yesterday, at City Hall there were some hundreds of people. Not 700, but enough to have fun. Well, there was more people watching and taking pictures, than actually fighting. Most of them were foreigners. I guess this kind of things, because of cultural difference are too ridiculous or stupid. Well, there was me, beating up and being beated up with pillows. Running between all that people and pillows was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing. It was also tiring, so I shifted with some of my friends borrowing the pillow and re-entering when we rested enough.
Here you have some photos and videos. More pictures and videos on my Flickr and my Youtube.

Seoul Pillow Fight Day - 서울 베개 싸움 2010

Seoul Pillow Fight Day - 서울 베개 싸움 2010

Seoul Pillow Fight Day - 서울 베개 싸움 2010

Seoul Pillow Fight Day - 서울 베개 싸움 2010

1 comentari:

  1. it was a blast! thanks so much for organizing it!!!
