
31 de des. 2010

El meu 2010 en cançons - My 2010 in songs

SNSD - Oh!

Un tema que no va parar de sonar durant els primers mesos de l'any, fins i tot me'l van demanar en alguna de les meves sessions al Sensation Bar Lounge a Hongdae...

One of the tracks that didn't stop banging during the first months of the year. Even people requested it in some of my DJ sessions at Sensation Bar Lounge in Hongdae...

HyunA - Change

Per contrastar amb la infantil i colorista de les SNSD, aquesta Hyuna va aportar un toc més agressiu, urbà i sexy.

In contrast with childish and colorful SNSD, Hyuna brought some agressive, urban and sexy style.

Lady Gaga & Beyonce - Telephone

La Gaga no podia faltar. Al març es va estrenar el video de Telephone amb Beyonce. Pot agradar o no agradar, però acaba enganxant i sonant a tot arreu. Inclús recordo haver-la cantat alguna vegada (sense gaire èxit) al karaoke.

We can't forget Gaga. On March this Telephone video with Beyonce was premiered, reaching high number of views in youtube and all around. You can like it or not, but it's sticky and it sounds everywhere. I even remember I sang it (not successfully) sometimes in the karaoke.

The Chemical Brothers - Swoon

Tot i no tenir gaire ressó, l'esperada arribada del nou disc de The Chemical Brothers van fer que aquest Swoon fos benvingut, i ben punxat en alguna sessió al Sunbabara.

Although it wasn't very successful, the long awaited new album from The Chemical Brothers made this track Swoon to become so welcomed, and also well spinned in some session at Sunbabara.

Black Eyed Peas - I Got A Feeling

És del 2009, però I Got A Feeling va sonar molt durant l'estiu, convertint-se en un himne festiu per excel·lència.

It's from 2009, but I Got A Feeling was played a lot during summer, becoming a party anthem.

Yolanda BeCool & DCUP - We don't speak americano a.k.a. 'Papanamericano'

Un altre temazo festivaler. No falla a les festes. Ha sonant a tot el món, i Corea no ha estat una excepció.

Another superparty track. Can't be missed in a party! It was played all around the world, and Korea wasn't an exception.

Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina - Stereo Love

No hauria pensat mai que aquest tema estiuenc i tan 'mediterrani' arribés a agradar tant com ho va fer als coreans. Ha estat un tema força demanat i punxat en algunes sessions, sembla que als coreans els agrada aquest 'latin romantic style'...

I would never thought that this so summer and 'mediterranenan' track would become so popular among Koreans. It was a requested track and quite played in some sessions, it seems that Koreans like this latin romantic style...

Usher & Pitbull - DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love

Usher també ha tingut un bon any entre aquest i el OMG. Aquesta cançó ha sonat, s'ha punxat i ha agradat. Prou bé.

Usher had also a good year with this song and OMG. This track was played, spinned and liked. Good enough.

Miss A - Bad Girl, Good Girl

Una de les sensacions de l'any. Aquestes debutants de la mà de JYP s'han fet en pocs mesos en un bon lloc en el panorama del K-pop.

One of the hits of the year. These debutantes from JYP became popular so soon and have a good place in K-Pop scene.

Taeyang - I'll Be There

El debut en solitari d'aquest membre de Big Bang va cridar força l'atenció. La cançó tampoc és que sonés més que 2PM o 2AM o altres grups, però com a representant masculó del K-Pop és dels que menys malament ho fan. A part, la cançó és objecte de bromes entre amics.

The solo debut of this Big Bang member was quite popular. The song wasn't bigger that any of "PM or 2AM, but as a male representing of K-Pop, is one of them who makes it less bad. Also, the song is a joke object among my friends.

Rihanna & David Guetta- Who's That Chick

Tots 2 videos molen. Perdó per l'audio apitufat. Però la cançó segueix molant un ou.
Both videos are cool. Sorry about the smurffied audio. Still the song is great!

El Love The Way You Lie amb L'Eminem era molt bonic, però l'arribada d'aquest temazo amb el crack d'en Guetta van fer que l'incorporés aviat a les sessions. La festa de Halloween no hauria estat el mateix sense la Rihanna!

Love The Way you Lie with Eminem was nice, but the arrival of this track with king Guetta made me adding it to my sessions. Halloween Party woulnd't had been the same without Rihanna!

2ne1 - Can't Nobody

Les 2ne1 tampoc podien faltar. Es van posar les piles a finals de l'estiu, traient 3 singles a la vegada, i recuperant les primeres posicions en el camp de les girlbands de K-Pop.

2ne1 must be here too! They came back with power at the end of summer, releasing 3 singles, and going again to the top of K-Pop girlbands scene.

N'hi ha més, n'hi ha de millors, però aquestes són les 12 cançons que millor poden resumir el meu 2010.

There are mor, there are better ones, but these are the 12 songs that can sum up the best of my year 2010.

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