
11 de febr. 2010

El Change de la HyunA ho està petant tot - HyunA's Change is rocking around!

En el panorama del K-Pop, els inicis de 2010 no pintaven massa bé. La majoria de grups van donar-ho tot a finals del 2009, i amb l'entrada del nou any faltaven nous temes d'aquests tan simples i enganxosos. Però sembla que ara, ja comencen a aparèixer autèntics hits d'aquests que acaben sonant a tot arreu i a tota hora. Després del Oh! de les SNSD-Girls Generation, arriba HyunA (ex-component de Wonder Girls i actualment component del grup 4Minute) amb el seu projecte en solitari.

Change és el primer single, i ja està conquistant llistes i sonant arreu. El principi del tema em recorden les trompetes del 4 Minutes de Madonna i Justin, la resta de la cançó, és pur k-pop: simple, enganxós i repetitiu.


The beginning of 2010 in the K-Pop scene didn't looked very well. Most of bands gave all their best at the end of 2009, and with the arrival of the new year, we were missing all theses catchy and sticky tunes. But now, it seems that it's starting to appear real hits playing everywhere and everytime. After SNSD-Girls Generation's Oh!, it's HyunA's turn (former component Wonder Girls and now 4Minute component group) with her solo project.

Change is her first single and is already rocking on charts being aired all around. The beginning of the song reminds me of the horns in Madonna and Justin's 4 Minutes, the rest of the song is pure k-pop: simple, catchy and repetitive.

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