
8 de juny 2007

Més filtracions de la Kylie

Tal com vaig comentar fa pocs dies, ja tinc els temes filtrats que faltaven: Sensitized, Lose Control i Stars. Sensitized és potser la més fluixa de les tres. Stars és un bon tema, molt pop, i finalment Lose Control, un tema molt electrònic que m'encanta.

I aquí va una llista amb els 49 temes (en negreta els que s'han filtrat i podeu trobar a Bits & Beats)

1. Rippin Up The Disco
2. Down Down
3. Nudity (Ruff Edit)
4. Sexual Gold (Demo)
5. Cherry Bomb (Ruff Edit)
6. Heartbreak Rock
7. When The Song Comes On
8. Guess
9. Ooh (not to be confused with the 2004 Scissor Sisters demo)
10. My Love Is Real (Karen Poole/Kylie Minogue/Soul Mechanics)
11. Classic Transit
12. I Can't Help That
13. Acid Min
14. Osmondosis
15. Simple Boy (Richard Stannard/Dave Morgan)
16. One To One (Richard Stannard/Rob Davis/A Faye)
17. Give Up To Love (Richard Stannard/Martin Harrington/Ash Howes/Hanna Robinson)
18. Never Be Lonely (J. Bergmark/H. Korpi/E. Grankvist)
19. To The 9's
20. Two Hearts
21. Can't Get Enough
22. No More Rain
23. In My Arms - Leaked online in May 2007 (Calvin Harris/Paul Harris/Kylie Minogue/Julian Peake/Richard Stannard)
24. Stars - Leaked online in May 2007
25. What's It Gonna Take
26. Hush Hush (Kylie Minogue/Steve Anderson)
27. Fall For You (Version 1) (a 2003 "Body Language" demo) - (this version is slower than version 2)
28. Fall For You (Version 2) (3:37) (a 2003 "Body Language" demo) - (leaked online on May 20th 2007)
29. Don't Know What It Is
30. Thing Called Love
31. Everlasting Love
32. Hold On
33. You Make Me Feel (not to be confused with the 2003 "Body Language" track)
34. The One
35. So Safe (Hanna Robinson/Jo Dworniak)
36. Extra Ordinary Day
37. Something 2 Believe In
38. Come Down
39. You're Hot
40. Sensitized (samples "Bonnie & Clyde" by Brigitte Bardot & Serge Gainsbourg) - Leaked online in May 2007
41. Lose Control
42. Tell You Why
43. Like A Drug (Mastermix)
44. The Reason
45. Into The Light (Pitch)
46. Tell It Like It Is (Pitch) (Richard Stannard/Stuart Crichton/Rob Davis/Kylie Minogue)
47. Tell Me That It's Over (Pitch)
48. We Are (Pitch)
49. Drop The Pressure (Pitch)

No està confirmat que existeixin totes aquestes pistes, però si realment és així, i s'acaben filtrant, tindrem Kylie per estona!

A mesura que vagi aconseguint nous temes els podreu anar escoltant en aquest blog!

4 comentaris:

  1. Lose control és mol guapu!! realment té algunes cançons molt ben trobades...

  2. I only speak english... but thank you so much for posting these! I love your blog. You have great taste in music!

  3. adri: Lose control, In your eyes, i sobretot fall for you són de les millors de les que s'han fuiltrat.

    gregory: thanx for your comment, keep on reading this blog and you'll get great surprises!

  4. Please,Can someone upload all these tracks,some of your,you have these tracks!!!!!!!!please,i'm looking forward to listen them,as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!
